Starting a Successful Business: Electronic Book (KINDLE)

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In this book you will learn the three things every business owner needs to know:

  1. How to avoid making rookie mistakes
  2. How to stay out of trouble
  3. How to make money

Debi has successfully run her own accounting practice since 1988 and her own professional speaking business since 1998. She passes on her knowledge and years of experience with this brand new book. Learn how to create and run your own successful business in the least complicated way.

From the section 'Why I Wrote This Book'

"I have been working with new business owners for over thirty years. Throughout all of that time I have seen some key differences between the businesses that are successful and the ones that fail (either immediately or after a while). I have written other books and I speak to new business owners all the time. I know the questions that business owners ask and the information they need.

This book is built around the strategies that improve a business’s chances of success.

Over and over again I see business owners making the same mistakes; mistakes that could be prevented by knowing more about the rules. I always hear, “No one told me that,” or “I did not know.” As a business owner, no one is responsible for telling you things.
You are responsible for finding out what you need to know to make money and stay out of trouble.
This book will help you do both."

Quick Facts:

  • 106 pages
  • Includes a checklist of Business Decisions
  • Includes a Business Plan Template